My Core Beliefs as a Nutritionist

A diet should not be centred around guilt, restriction, starvation or deprivation 😎😌⁣

To grow, progress and improve the quality of your life, you must be disciplined, consistent and determined, it requires effort. But, if the process is to be sustainable, it has to be enjoyable AND rewarding.⁣

You shouldn’t be constantly living in a body ‘under attack’ whereby your hormones are out of sync. Why suffer with low mood, irritability, tiredness. terrible sleep, low libido and countless other side-effects? This is not healthy living, this is your body merely existing in survival mode.⁣

My number one goal as a nutrition coach is to provide my clients with the tools so that they can thrive in a body that functions optimally, whether thats for a specific sport or just for their wedding photo. A body that feels good inside out, looks good for them and moves freely from pain and discomfort.⁣

Your nutrition and exercise should provide you with sustainable results that improve your health in the long run. Progressive training, not punishment. Progressing towards a healthy diet, not restrictive. It shouldn’t be a chore or an unhealthy obsession, but one that serves you in the long run for the better! If your training is solely based around beasting yourself to the ground 6 times a week combined with poor nutrition and recovery, then you need to reconsider whether that’s working for you and if it’s worth it, when you could more than likely get the same results through optimising your training and more importantly, your NUTRITION! 🍉 🍕 💪⁣

Food‘s only purpose isn’t to simply fuel you through providing calories, it should nourish you, taste good and satisfy! (see heading)⁣

If you can relate to what I’m saying and haven’t found the right balance yet, then let me help you discover a completely different side to nutrition that you haven’t considered before- helping you to obtain your results in an easy, sustainable manner that suits you and your lifestyle!

Jake Monk