The Anabolic Window: Fact or Fiction?

You may have heard of the "anabolic window" concept, which suggests that consuming protein immediately after a workout can enhance strength and hypertrophy. However, recent studies have challenged this idea, indicating that the timing of protein consumption may not be as critical as once thought. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the science behind protein timing and provide evidence-based guidelines to help you optimize your protein intake for maximal muscle protein synthesis and growth. From the optimal protein dose to the ideal timing and frequency of protein intake, we've got you covered. Ultimately, hitting your total protein target should be your main concern, regardless of meal timing, but consulting with a professional can provide personalized recommendations for optimal nutrition to support your fitness goals.

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Jake Monk
Plant-Based Omega 3- Is it worth supplementing?

"Are Your Omega 3 Needs Being Met on a Plant-Based Diet? Here’s What You Need to Know"

If you’re following a plant-based diet, you may be under the impression that adding a few seeds or nuts to your meals is enough to meet your Omega 3 needs. But did you know that there are actually three types of Omega 3 that are essential for a human diet, and that seeds and nuts are not efficient sources of all three? In this blog post, you’ll learn why it’s crucial to keep on top of your Omega 3 levels and how taking a plant-based algae supplement can provide you with all the health benefits of Omega 3 without any of the contaminants found in fish. Don’t miss out on this important information for your long-term health and wellbeing!

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Calorie Counting Considerations

Research indicates that individuals often under-report their intake; to a degree that confers approximately 25% difference in total calorie intake. This reinforces the notion that tracking ‘accurately’ is important; particularly when tracking ‘accurately’ not only resides on an individuals attempt to reflect what they have eaten but relies on the accuracy of the nutrition label reflecting true caloric content and the database they are using, as highlighted in the article.

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My Core Beliefs as a Nutritionist

A diet should not be centred around guilt, restriction, starvation or deprivation; if you haven’t found the right balance yet, let me help you reach your goals; for a more energetic, confident and prouder YOU.

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Jake Monk
Sports Drinks- Will you benefit from one?

To briefly summarise; sports drinks should be strongly considered by endurance athletes to optimise performance through the replenishment of glycogen stores and reduction of dehydration risk, whilst use in strength sports appears unwarranted for the majority of athletes and water could be considered an adequate drink accompanied by proper peri-workout nutrition.

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